Island Gold Slots

Island Gold Slots

Island Gold Slots is a low key and low budget game that although feeling very calm and relaxing isn't all that impressive. It seems intent on making you feel like you're at the beach chilling while you play, but doesn't actually manage to achieve that in anything it does, instead coming off as relatively cheap and boring. We didn't really enjoy the time we spent with it, mostly wishing that they'd tried a little harder to achieve the artistic vision they seemed to have have for the game. It's not entirely bad, but it is mostly forgettable given what all else is out there in the slot world.

If you dig the art and are looking for something you haven't played, but all means give Island Gold Slots. Otherwise, this is a slot you can safely skip.


The premise of Island Gold Slots is the beach. Seems simple enough, right? Well, they still managed to muck it up a bit. It's more like 'random cutouts of beach related things', none of which really feel all that beach like to us. Looking at you, Mr. Moon. It's a nice idea, but the art style isn't well suited to it, and the gameplay does nothing inventive, making for a failed attempt at an otherwise okay idea in the genre.


Graphics in Island Gold Slots are good, but not for what they were after. Everything is crisp, clear, colorful, and compelling to look at, which makes your time spent playing all the easier because of how easy they are on the eyes. None of it feels all that much like the beach, however, either in color, theme, the icons presented, or most anything really. We get that they have palm trees, but it doesn't seem to extend far beyond that, and even the trees feel a bit out of place.

The colors are nice, but not at all beach like. It seems more suited to a children's book about something entirely different.


Gameplay in Island Gold Slots is very, very standard and bare bones. At 5 reels and 5 pay lines, it does not break the mold there, chosing instead to keep things classy in ways we can respect. Given how boring the rest of it is, however, it doesn't entice us much to play it.

Betting here ranges from a penny to $5, making this an accessible slot that anyone can jump into in hopes of winning a lot of money without worrying about necessarily breaking the bank in the process. Max bets cap out at $50, which tends to be how we rolled when we played it a bunch for our review. There's not much to speak of when it comes to bonuses. It's all fairly to the point and boring.


+ Solid and classic play mechanics + Decent payouts


- Graphics don't fit the theme - Boring - Gameplay is not very innovative - Can be a little addicting at times for obvious reasons

Who is this Game For?

This game is suitable for players of all types. In particular, it should appeal to:

* Players new to digital slots and looking for something relatively accessible * Moderate intensity players that have gotten their feet plenty wet in the online slots world and are looking for something a little more involved * Jaded slot vets * People that mostly want to win a bunch of money playing digital slot games * Players looking for slot nostalgia for the similarities and differences this slot has to other games * People more used to normal video games that are looking to get their feet wet in the world of online slots

Who is the Game NOT For?

Although we enjoy this slot, it is not for everybody. In particular, it may not be your cup of tea if this describes you in any fashion:

* Averse to winning money online * Looking for something truly innovative in the genre * You find the theme in any way offputting

Is it Buggy?

In the time we spent playing this game, we did not encounter any bugs, problems, or errors. The same cannot be said for all slots of this genre, so we commend the developers for a job well done on that. We also encountered no issues in processing winnings or payments, and everything ran very smooth just like you would expect across many varied devices in a variety of ecosystems and operating systems.


Island Gold Slots is a good idea that ultimately is left unfulfilled. It looks out of place, plays fairly standard, and nothing about it is all that memorable. It almost looks like a place holder for a better game that we're sure they could have made. We say skip this one, but if you're morbidly curious and need some side money, feel free to give it a spin.