Dog Gone It Slots

Dog Gone It Slots

Dog Gone It Slots is a creepy dog catcher game that makes us happy we adopted a pretty mutt and is somewhat painful to look at. It has decent gameplay and they clearly tried, it just looks bad and almost depressing at times. We didn't thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent with it, mostly wishing that they'd changed the rendering style to look less creepy. As it stands, it's an odd looking game that's hard for us to get paste because it feels really weird to play.

If you're a pup fan and hate animal control, this game with a fresh coat of ugly thrown all over it was tailor made for you. For everyone else, it's an acquired taste, only getting by on decent payouts and gameplay mechanics.

Premise of Dog Gone It Slots

The premise of Dog Gone It Slots is dogs hate animal care services and appear to want to attack them. They seem like they all ran away and want to live on bones, which is silly because then they're going to die. Dogs aren't head of the food chain for a reason, however, so it all makes tongue in cheek sense in the end. We don't mind the premise and think it's fine, it's how it was executed that we take some issue with.

Presentation in Dog Gone It Slots

Graphics in Dog Gone It Slots are bad. Everything is crisp, clear, colorful, and compelling to look at, which makes your time spent playing all the easier because of how easy they are on the eyes. The colors and facial expressions are all bad, however, and even border on creepy at times. Dogs in person are always lovable. Doesn't matter which breed, we love them all. We have a dog, and pass by them every day saying "awe, look at the dog!", to give you some background on where we're coming from. Even for us, however, we're not a big fan of the way Dog Gone It Slots looks, particularly in the design of the dogs and their expressions.

We always said we had never seen a dog we didn't like, then we played Dog Gone It Slots and saw what that would look like should we encounter them in reality. They clearly tried, and we feel bad for saying this, but it is what it is. Even the lettering on the dog paws feels off, like it was all made by an engineer with no design sense, poor taste, or both.

Gameplay Mechanics in Dog Gone It Slots

Gameplay in Dog Gone It Slots is standard and its only redeeming quality. At 5 reels and 20 pay lines, it does not break the mold there, chosing instead to keep things classy in ways we can respect.

Betting here ranges from a penny to $10, making this an accessible slot that anyone can jump into in hopes of winning a lot of money without worrying about necessarily breaking the bank in the process. Max bets cap out at $250, which tends to be how we rolled when we played it a bunch for our review. We love betting high, which allows us to spend less time looking at this game.

The bonus round ran away. In its place sits that Free Spins Feature, wagging its tail every once in a while to the tone of economic prosperity on our end.

Liked About Dog Gone It Slots

  • + Nice theme
  • + They tried hard
  • + Solid and classic play mechanics
  • + Decent payouts

Disliked About Dog Gone It Slots

  1. - Looks so bad, almost creepy
  2. - Gameplay is not very innovative
  3. - Can be a little addicting at times for obvious reasons

Who is Dog Gone It Slots For?

This game is suitable for players of all types. In particular, it should appeal to:

  1. Dog lovers
  2. The blind
  3. Players new to digital slots and looking for something relatively accessible
  4. Moderate intensity players that have gotten their feet plenty wet in the online slots world and are looking for something a little more involved
  5. Jaded slot vets
  6. People that mostly want to win a bunch of money playing digital slot games
  7. Players looking for slot nostalgia for the similarities and differences this slot has to other games
  8. People more used to normal video games that are looking to get their feet wet in the world of online slots

Who is Dog Gone It Slots NOT For?

Although we enjoy this slot, it is not for everybody. In particular, it may not be your cup of tea if this describes you in any fashion:

  1. People with aesthetic sensibilities
  2. Averse to winning money online
  3. Looking for something truly innovative in the genre
  4. You find the theme in any way offputting

Is Dog Gone It Slots Buggy?

In the time we spent playing this game, we did not encounter any bugs, problems, or errors. The same cannot be said for all slots of this genre, so we commend the developers for a job well done on that. We also encountered no issues in processing winnings or payments, and everything ran very smooth just like you would expect across many varied devices in a variety of ecosystems and operating systems.

Conclusion - The Bottom Line on Dog Gone It Slots

Dog Gone It Slots is a nice little idea that went horribly wrong and got beat with the ugly stick on its way down to the ground. If you like dogs and money, one of those will be enough to push you through this otherwise lacking game. For everyone else, it's so bad it's good, and you may as well give it a spin for that reason alone. Either way, let us know what you think!